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When You Do Things, Things Happen!

  • Writer's pictureJames Kunley

2020 - The New Beginning

A New Beginning

The year 2020 started out for me with a dreadful ending to a years-long karmic connection, going through financial ruin and looking for a new place to live. I was fortunate enough to have the skills and the willpower to keep my mental state elevated and my spirits high, assiduously practicing acceptance and forgiveness to let go and move on to bigger and better things. There were days when panic attacks would have the best of me, and I would have to positively self-talk myself back to the present moment, assuring all my worries of better days to come as long as I can stay calm and well organized.

Snowboarding Mt. Hood

Fortunately, I had access to the best local skiing resort in the area, paying my weekly dues to the snowy slopes, exchanging my sadness and a heart-broken spirit for a fresh hope of a new beginning. I had most of my snowboarding gear still intact, practicing my curves and turns with much enthusiasm, cheering every uplifting moment of my new life adventure. Deep authentic gratitude was quickly becoming my new best friend, guiding me through some of my darkest moments back into the grace of the divine spirit.

An Aspiring Writer

Daunting points of view about my previous actions and my persisting inner dialog prompted me to seek powerful solutions to overcome the spiritual muck of a drowning inner child. Within my process of discovery, I met a wise woman who inspired me to write down my experiences to counteract the internal chatter, build healthy self-confidence, and attract my newly developing circle of listeners. I quickly realized the value of curating my own story, and embraced the practice with much enthusiasm, crafting out spare time to deeply sink into the world of old memories and almost forgotten but precious experiences. My first few drafts were met with much love from my social followers, and I quickly gathered valuable feedback in order to improve my writing skills. Within a few months, I started enjoying my newly developing inner voice, recording my memories and transmuting subtle discomforts with the power of the written word. By the end of spring, I had a solid collection of stories carefully written down to help me remember my journey and easily share it with others.

Engagement with Social Media

Given my need for self-healing and an apparent lack of quality communication, I reached out to social media for answers, actively befriending anyone whose profile looked even remotely interesting. After a few months of filtering and distilling my new friends, I had a solid bunch of like-minded individuals who consistently inspired me to keep singing my song. I shared pictures of my adventures and my new stories, liked their content, and enjoyed giving crafty answers to their comments on my posts. This seemed to satisfy my social cravings, and soon I was inspired to start my own group. My voice was emerging and it needed listeners, sharing daily pearls of wisdom to help stay mentally afloat and inspire others.

The Stock Market

My adventures within the financial realm led me to explore the possibility of making some income in the stock market. My first attempts to invest many years ago were ludicrous and I ended up losing thousands of dollars before acknowledging the need for a serious and sound education. Psychologically that also wasn’t a good time for me, and I ended up shelving my efforts until the time came a few years ago to dust off my books and revitalize my investing skills. I still kept losing money, but it wasn’t as painful anymore, testing various strategies and aligning my thinking towards long term success. I accumulated a whole library of books written by various investing masters, and eventually settled on a few strategies that I believed would work for me. To my surprise, I also started to ‘feel’ the market, often making decisions that coincided with the general market direction. All this awareness was new to me, and I needed more confidence to implement it into action. Regardless, my sincere efforts were already paying off, and this was the first year that my investing account was showing a nice profit. This was a big deal to me and provided causes for a celebration, as an aspiring trader, I was happy with my progress.

Ski Trip To Lake Tahoe

My company was planning an annual skiing trip to Lake Tahoe, and I was eagerly looking forward to this adventure. The weather was perfect for the first few days, and I fully enjoyed every moment of this luxurious opportunity, carving the slopes at high altitudes and absorbing the beauty of Tahoe highlands. I continued writing my stories in the meantime, allowing my feelings to bubble up from the depth of my memory banks, skillfully expressing them with pinching precision. This trip only lasted a few blissful days, and it made me crave for more Tahoe energy. I adored this place and was drawn to it greatly as if there were more mysterious things it wanted to show me. I made myself a promise to come back here during the summer, carefully wrapped up my gear, and was headed back home.

Trips To Breitenbush Hot Springs

My first trip to Breitenbush hot springs was only for a day, which I enjoyed so thoroughly that it made me realize how much I needed this type of healing. Even though I was living on a tight budget, this was a necessary expense, and I was overjoyed to allow myself a monthly soak with a few night stay. Relaxing and grounding, this was the much-needed therapy for the mind and body, letting the pure pleasure and simplicity of naked awareness melt the daily worries of my overworked intellect. This was a place of rest, deep within the mountains, disconnected from the far reaches of reality. It snowed heavily during one of my trips, covering the landscapes with a thick white blanket, gently emphasizing the magic of the steaming spring water on a cold winter night. I met a special person there within those few surreal days, who later became close to me. We were drawn to each other by a subtle magnetic attraction, enjoying the immediate and intricate alignment match that only comes along once in a blue moon. The depth of our conversations stirred the gentleness of the awakening feelings, which planted the tender seeds of courage to reach out in real life. My writing helped to break the ice and soon we found ourselves helplessly connected on many multi-dimensional levels, exploring the limits of space and time with wise and compassionate interactions.

Columbia River Gorge Hikes

My proximity to the expansive magnificence of the Columbia River Gorge allowed for weekly excursions to some of the most amazing views in the area. I took the time to explore various mildly strenuous hikes, increasing my physical stamina and providing a much-needed reset for my busy mind. This was my backyard bootcamp, loaded with roaring waterfalls, places of silence and mediation. Much of the energy gathered throughout the years of living next to the Columbia river was firmly grounded within the hills of the Gorge, as if those rocks were my longtime friends listening to my stories, complaints, and wishes.

Paddleboarding Local Waters

Having an inflatable paddleboard allowed for consistent opportunities to be on the water, enjoying the time-bending qualities of lakes and rivers and deeper connections with nature. I loved quietly gliding through the mist of the glassy waters gently reflecting morning sunshine, occasionally sneaking up on an unexpecting fish, and listening to the birds webbing the space around me with their intricate serenades. It was another way to unplug and tune into the language of nature, listening to it with my entire being and becoming one with its simple complexity.

Visits To The Gym

My nature outings weren’t enough to keep my body in a state of pleasant awareness, inspiring me to indulge in daily workouts with much enthusiasm. I alternated between various activities to keep my ego entertained, purifying my body and uplifting my spirit. Occasional swimming and dry sauna added to the convenience, helping wash away the sadness and allowing me to participate in the digest of the daily news by the local gurus.

Sensory Deprivation Tank Discovery

One of the awesome recommendations originated in the dry sauna was about a local company that runs sensory deprivation tanks. I was naturally fascinated by the idea, intrigued by the meditative and health benefits this type of relaxation could offer. I was a bit nervous and uncomfortable during my first float, but that quickly melted away into the pure pleasure of floating weightless in complete darkness. I signed up for a monthly membership and enjoyed a relaxing float once every few weeks, significantly improving my stress tolerance levels and general well-being. In addition, this was an excellent way to ‘see’ through the darkness of my mind, transcending all types of scattered energies into the pure awareness of the present moment. This was especially potent after a strenuous hike or a long day at work, resting my tired body and launching my self-aware consciousness into the limitless darkness of the ether.

Communication With Sara CrystalFaerie

By this time, my communication with Sara was gaining momentum, we messaged each other almost daily about all the things that were important to us. The world was smiling at me again and I was slowly getting a partner who wanted to share with me, gradually erasing the scarring pain from an abrupt end of my previous relationship.

Trip To Colorado

My previous plans to visit the redwoods for the summer solstice were affected by the pandemic, and now I was considering an opportunity to spend it with Sara in Colorado! My deliberations ended when I witnessed a series of synchronicities that prompted me to acknowledge this quickly unwrapping opportunity. It was a two-day drive, but we were both excited about the new potentials of spending our time together. The first few days were a bit awkward, but we quickly warmed up to each other’s company, hiking almost daily into the Colorado wilderness and enjoying the coolness of freshwater streams and lakes on a hot summer day. We made our solstice offerings, moving energy and letting go of our past karmic connections, clearing the path for a new timeline that was quickly manifesting in front of us. I brought my work along with me, which allowed me to stay an extra week without causing much trouble. My arrival back to Washington was followed by a magnificent sunset as if the gods themselves were watching my movements. Sara and I spent the whole month of July texting each other daily and planning my permanent move to Colorado.

Trip To The Oregon Coastline

July was a good opportunity to wrap up my life in Washington and say my goodbyes to the Pacific Ocean. I waited for a good opportunity and reserved a camping spot next to a trail that was calling to me. It was on a peninsula that stretched far into the ocean, providing amazing views and an opportunity to make my last offerings. I hiked to the end of the trail where the sun meets the ocean, leaving some offerings along the way, and saving others for the final moment. I ended up leaving there my whole collection of special items, letting go of what no longer served and clearing the path for natural and organic learning experiences. The next day I stumbled upon a very special cave on the beach, and meditated there for a few hours, sending out rainbow vibrations to all of my previous experiences and future manifestations. The weather was beautiful, helping me to let go and mentally adjust to the shifting energies.

Trip To Lake Tahoe

I had a week of camping booked in the Emerald State Park, which proved to be a much timely and needed vacation. It started out slowly but ramped up in a few busy days of active discovery and rainbow transmutation. My heart cried when I saw all the ignorance rampantly tormenting the crystalline waters, enjoying itself wildly at the expense of the noble ones. I had no choice but to sing from the depth of my heart to the ancient wisdom encoded deeply within the lake, acknowledging all the tears of those who chose to protect this sacred sanctuary. Their spirits were still around, making offerings on hills and mountain tops, hiking the ancient trails and singing their songs carried by the capricious highland winds. My sincere efforts succeeded, and the spirits responded by guiding me to special places, testing my awareness and resolve for more wisdom. My days were saturated with pleasure and inspiration, pushing my body to the limits, allowing my spirit to absorb the breath of the divine presence safely hidden within the intricacies of authenticity and humbleness. Like a treasure quest, I searched for gems of wisdom and special places, attracting external manifestations with deep inner awareness, eagerly integrating them like pieces of a cosmic puzzle into my bigger multidimensional self. These seven days went by quickly on the surface but created an expanding rift within my awareness that started impacting past projections and future timelines in a non-linear cosmic presence of limitless possibilities. I left connected, saturated, and exhausted, radiating deep mental satisfaction and gratitude for the opportunity to experience these blissful moments of authenticity.

Move To Colorado

The clocks were slowly turning their relentless gears and it was soon time to pack up a few of my humble belongings and head East to the sunny land of Colorado. My relationship with Sara was evolving quickly, and we were both happy and excited to see each other again soon. I had two days of driving ahead of me, sending my best wishes to the West coast and mentally preparing myself for the new adventure. Our daily discussions were helping us remove any obstacles between us, raising our collective awareness, and preparing us for bigger and better days ahead.

Trip To The Grand Tetons

To solidify our long-term plans to co-create together, we took our first camping trip to the Grand Tetons. Wildfires were rampant all across the continent, blessing our trip with a pinch of daily reality. Sara immediately impressed me with her hiking skills, and we started averaging about ten miles on a daily basis. It took us a few days to get adjusted to the presence of wild animals, which hardly stopped us from going deeper into the serenity of the unknown. With morning breakfasts in parking lots and good spirits, we conquered each day with eagerness and enthusiasm to push the limits of our information download. Inspiration Point, towering right above Jenny’s Lake and our hike deep into the nearby canyon quickly became the highlights of our trip, acknowledging our alignments and an ability to dance together within this rapidly expanding timeline. Luckily our exerted bodies refused to cooperate in the last few days, and we found ourselves on a beautiful secluded beach enjoying the coolness of glacial waters and naked simplicity of restful presence. We left satiated with majestic imprints and divine inspirations, ready to tackle our daily lives with an elevated consciousness and highly improved and upgraded points of view.

Trip To The Black Hills

Our second trip in September was another week-long adventure, with hopes to close out old memory loops and collect enough positive imprints for the cold winter ahead. We stayed next to a lake in the center of many trailheads, enjoying an abundance of attractions within a short driving distance. We were immediately impressed by the energy of the landscape, our minds quickly sinking into crystalline thought patterns. Many ascended conversations and ‘ah-ha’ moments helped us rewire our preconceived notions and erroneous imprints about the nature of reality, firmly implanting the right view and correct subsequent action. We deeply enjoyed the olden energies stored within the rocks, remembering and recreating the neuronet of awareness sustained by the massive presence of the quartz crystal. Once again, amazed by the ignorance, brainwashing, and simple disrespect, we refrained from celebrating widely accepted beliefs, aligning ourselves with Earth energies, and paying our humble respects to their protectors. Divinely guided, we discovered many interesting spots and places where concentrations of awareness opened up gateways into various aspects of the cosmic mind, confirming the sacred status given to this place by the Lakotas. Forever changed, we drove back home with a new view and awareness of the present moment, deeply thankful for the opportunity to experience such wonders within this very lifetime.

Galactic Central Sun Activation

We celebrated our Halloween by having an unexpected medicine plant ceremony, acknowledging favorable energetic alignments and a welcome opportunity to break through the thinning veils of illusion. Assisted by some steady drumming and a bit of spontaneous giggles, we quickly left the Earth’s atmosphere and gradually spiraled all the way into the center of the galaxy, a magical space where any question is simultaneously reflected back from the all-knowing solar ether, inviting a weary soul to relax and melt into its ever-loving and aware presence. This rich spiritual experience further helped to align my relationship with Sara, and we were well on our way to manifesting great things together.

Trip To Arches

We braved another trip to the Arches National Park in late November, where we packed each day with amazing hikes that almost felt like pilgrimages to the sacred spots of planet Earth. Unmistakable solar presence and augmented time perception, accompanied by the space-like silence and surreal views quickly turned our trip into another unforgettable adventure. Our hike to the Delicate Arch was an unexpected and pleasant surprise, allowing us to align with the 11/11 2020 gateway energies eagerly circling through the social peaks of planetary awareness. My last hike into the wilderness of the arch formations was nothing short of spectacular, slowing perception of time to a standstill while imprinting invaluable DNA activations. It’s been a while since I felt so connected and alive, my whole body beaming with an explosion of cellular memories and deep moments of profound wisdom. We both left deeply satisfied and inspired for more adventures, praising our spontaneous bravery to take this trip and connecting another important piece of the cosmic puzzle.

Soaks In The Iron Mountain Hot Springs

During our trip back from the Black Hills, we stopped at a tourist attraction, where I fortuitously picked up a brochure which ended up being an ad for our local mountain hot springs. Without overthinking it, we both got a season’s pass, and used it faithfully a few times per week, allowing the gentle goodness of richly mineralized spring water to permeate our bodies and fully recharge and recenter us back into earthly alignments. This proved to be a much-needed blessing, as the winter cold quickly descended into the Colorado highlands, enveloping mountain sides with countless tiny, fresh and crisp frozen water crystals.

Snowboarding Aspen Snowmass

Part of my natural excitement about moving to Colorado was the proximity of world-class skiing resorts, which meant an abundance of opportunities for shredding some fresh snow powder. I ended up picking Aspen Snowmass as my mountain of choice, and relentlessly pursued the opportunity of acquiring a season pass. By late December, I already had a few solid powder days behind me, shredding the slopes with much enthusiasm, meeting fellow skiers on the luxury express lifts, and appreciating the liberating views above 11,000 feet in altitude.

New Job Discovery

Shortly after our trip from the Arches, I was inspired to start looking for new job opportunities, actively engaging with recruiters and brushing up on my resume skills. Surprisingly the process went amazingly smoothly, and within a short period of time, I had a very generous offer which allowed causes for celebration. Sara and I have been carefully planning our rise to abundance, and this was a solid step in the right direction.

Incredible Sunsets

Spending so much time outdoors camping and traveling, I’ve been fortunate to see some amazing sunsets during this year. It was surely abundant in transmutations of stale energy that no longer served the bigger cause, and many sunsets reflected my internal changes with beautifully rich colors and deeply satisfying states of mind.

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