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When You Do Things, Things Happen!

  • Writer's pictureJames Kunley

Lake Angeles Hike #2 - Sutra on Opportunities

Always keep thinking and imagining potential opportunities within reach.

Reality often presents us with specific circumstances that are favorable to special spiritual practices. Always try to pay attention to these 'special opportunities' and take advantage of them while you can.

As if chapters in the book of your life story, each chapter contains 'something special' that you can focus on and get better at while the time for this practice is favorable.

You can also 'create' favorable opportunities by recognizing your ability to manifest the realities that you desire the most. This 'burning desire' is a very special force of your essence that has amazing creative powers. If one learns to use it wisely, it becomes an ever-burning fire of wisdom.

Finding this 'force' within oneself and being brave enough to actually harness its power has far-reaching effects through space and time, creating ripples within multiverses to align with your inner desire to better yourself.

Opening your heart wide to the space around you attracts all of the things that you 'need' to 'graduate' to the next level of awareness. One must be a 'good student' and humbly accept the teachings that you 'know' are yours to master.

Showing courage and gratefulness in that way will attract 'true teachings', and your path will be blessed for many lifetimes to come.

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