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When You Do Things, Things Happen!

  • Writer's pictureJames Kunley

Lake Ozette - Boneyard of the Olympics

Hijacking of God

At some point in human history, our divine right to sit at the table of the noble ones was hijacked by shape-shifting reptilian beings. Every attempt to gain this rite back was thwarted with trickery and force. The spirits of the noble ones witnessed this hijacking, and some lost their lives to prevent it. Let them speak through me now.

We are divine beings, born with the divine right to sit at the table of cosmic counsel. Our ‘I am’ has been externally projected onto religions and institutions, hijacking our ability to channel higher frequencies. This right can only be claimed individually by the realization of the primordial innocence within oneself. This innocence has been stained and twisted by malevolent beings throughout the ages with the intention to control our species for countless generations. Do not let them control your mind!

Primordial innocence has always been yours since the beginning, it is unstainable and untarnishable, pure is its essence and quality. Meditate on this, visualize it, connect with it. This is the key to raising your consciousness into higher vibrations.

Connection to ancestors

Times may be different, but the sun shines the same on everyone. Do not forget this. Mistakes of others are not yours to bear. Fix things within yourself, find solutions, align your soul back into the crystalline vibrations and out of the lower carbon frequencies. May the divine frequency of the crystalline light be with you.

Thousand Suns

Look for a place where a thousand suns

Meet a thousand winds,

Where coastal fog,

As thick as mother’s milk,

Blankets razor-sharp claws

Of the beasts from the underworld.

They lie here dormant,

Breathing steadily with the tides,

Waiting patiently to have their turn

At the next wave of the soul harvest.

Only in the glow of the full moon

Can you see the full splendor

Of their scorched faces,

Frozen in stone by the timekeepers.

Beyond the giggles of unsuspecting tourists

And the roar of breaking ocean waves,

There is a world of dragons and giants

Sleeping beneath the unforgiving sands of passing time.

Stone is their legacy now,

As rugged guardians piercing landscapes of sandy beaches,

Looking far into the ocean horizon

As if to witness their last sunset.

A reminder for those who walk in the footsteps of their forefathers,

Our bones are buried deep beneath the shifting tides.

We all come here to learn the truth,

Cycle after cycle we manifest in different shapes and forms,

Only to have the meaning of it all

Be gently whispered by the morning wind.

Wisdom Seekers

May wisdom seekers walk the earth unharmed. May they bring light to those who cycle through the ages.

Those who have reached ‘The Word’ Will do so once again. The messengers of Truth Lone wanderers through space and time.

May I be one of Them Devoted to the cause The Source of All that is With Humbleness and Joy.

Nectar of Immortality

The essence of the teachings Is always the same Their manifestations are endless.

At the root of time Is the center of the spiral Cleanse your way backward Over and over again Arrive at the center of all destinations

Enjoy the endless nature of space But never forget about those Who are still grasping Within its empty nature.

Train your soul

To recognize itself Lifetime after lifetime.

The nectar of immortality Is hidden within the timeless flicker Of self-awareness.

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