James Kunley

Jan 2, 20221 min

The Last Drop of Magic

May 2022 be filled with joyful awareness and lots of things to be grateful for!


It's how you walk into a room,

how you sense her looking at you without looking at her.

How you know deep down that she is already your girl,

and you toy with this feeling,

only to make her want you even more.

How you let her feel like a goddess around you,

secretly marveling at her beauty,

drawing her in with your subtle charm

while leaving enough distance for the unknown.

Feeling the fire within you burn ever brighter when she is around,

yet staying cool and composed,

waiting for the right moment to get closer,

to feel her warmth on your lips.

Knowing that this is the right thing to do and enjoying it,

every time leaving her craving for more

without ever trying to drink

the last drop of magic.

