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When You Do Things, Things Happen!

  • Writer's pictureJames Kunley

Thoughts on Intimacy

Intimacy is a very broad and popular topic that can hardly be covered within a few pages, as it touches upon the core of our very existence as a species. One would think that so many years of experience would teach us about this subject, however nothing could be further from the truth. We are completely bound by the need and the aftermath of intimate relationships, constantly searching for fulfillment of our sexual desires and dealing with the results of being in such unions. Our very procreation itself is based on our animal need to extend one’s genes into further existence, thus often mindlessly fulfilling the debt to our species. As one looks around, it is not difficult to see that most of our emotional pains and issues revolve around the topic of intimacy, thus making it worthy of further investigation.

The need for intimacy is very common and is often expressed in various ways, being as innocent as a hug, or as intrusive as an mindless sexual attraction towards others. In my opinion, the intensity of our desires is directly related to how healed and complete our energy centers are, thus acting as a mirror of our spiritual awakening. Advanced spiritual practitioners are often found living independently from intimate encounters, with a few accounts of those who use sexual energies to transmute their states of consciousness into higher realms of vibration. Unfortunately our present human conditions warrant caution at the very least, and potentially a complete withdrawal from any intimate interactions, if one is to practice a deep spiritual awakening.

Looking at my own development, I’ve personally seen myself graduate from a sexually hungry schoolboy into a spiritually mature being that no longer desires physical sexual encounters as they are accepted by the mainstream culture, making my spiritual maturity and desire for plain old sex inversely dependent on each other. As spiritual maturity grows, the desire for physical encounters diminishes to the point where I am at peace with my inner energies, any potential intimacy, even as innocent as a hug, is often considered by my higher self as an act of compassion or kindness towards others. One thing is for sure though, purely attractive physical attributes or the need for a sexual union have not much power over my senses, as my mind is deeply rooted within the wisdom of emptiness and energetic self sufficiency.

Given this mindful and evolved realization, I am however, attracted greatly to positive energies and vibrant energy sources, which could be people, places, or spiritual teachings. As an energy-aware spiritual practitioner, it becomes a daily practice to keep one's energy centered within the body, constantly circulating and exchanging it with the surrounding environment. In such a scenario, one no longer feels lonely, as there is constant ethereal interaction within the aura, exchanging thoughts, images, feelings, and emotions with the space around us. At this level, there is the desire to find beings with a common sense of understanding, to exchange and share in each other’s bounty of realizations, with intention to benefit others and promote and improve one’s own understanding and abilities.

Only in such a fruitful and unattached scenario could there be potentially any physical connection. I am yet to find such evolved interactions, where there is a conscious and intimate attraction between two sovereign beings, mindfully acknowledging each others presence, pacifying whatever obstacles or protectors might be in their way, and joyfully fuzzing into a loving embrace of conscious sameness, where boundaries between beings melt into a universal energy flow, letting go of personal illusory states of mind into the boundless ocean of limitless and aware space within.

As powerful as such interactions might be, they are filled with consequences within the physical realm, which should not be taken lightly. In fact, if one is to keep practicing these teachings, one must carefully consider the dark side of such unions, and learn to avoid any negative consequences for all parties involved. This is not an easy task, as we are programmed to act in certain ways, especially around the topic of sex. I’ve seen people, including myself, change dramatically before and after sexual unions, acting out the programming within us that is based purely on hormones and emotions, designed to keep us bound in this realm indefinitely. This is the reason why sex is often avoided by spiritual practitioners, as it opens the doors to energies that are potentially very negative and dangerous for a continued spiritual development.

On the other hand, there are many amazing spiritual paintings of sexual unions that bring about profound realizations. Even though I deeply believe in such practices, our current reality is far from being capable of comfortably sustaining these unions, often causing our unresolved habitual tendencies and attachments to bubble to the surface. It is possible to deal with these energies as they manifest, but only for very advanced spiritual practitioners, as one effectively opens the doorway into the limitless potential of mind, thus attracting all the obstacles that are designed to keep us within the current realm of existence. Such obstacles are often deadly in their nature, as there are countless stories about lovers and the problems they’ve encountered during or after their love affairs.

Being a spiritual practitioner for years, walking closely with nature and her lessons, I’ve learned that our energy bodies should be the focal points of our healing practices, as we are nothing more but bubbles of energy living within bigger bubbles of energy, observing a never ending effect of a bubble within a bubble phenomena. This realization could be considered mind altering to some degree, as one imagines bigger bubbles of the planet we live on, the solar system, our star cluster, our galaxy, and so on. In fact, our personal energy bubbles already contain everything we need within them, and we are capable of perceiving this as our spiritual awareness grows with daily practices. No wonder sacred images of ancient masters usually portray them sitting surrounded by bubbles of energy, with various colors and vibrational frequencies. We are all in fact vibrational powerhouses, capable of generating unlimited energy from within ourselves by simply focusing our attention inward on our own chakras, inner energy pathways, breathing, and other spiritual capabilities.

When all of this is tied back into the subject of intimacy, a bigger picture emerges, one filled with purpose and mindfulness. It is clear that intimacy can be a very powerful tool for raising spiritual awareness, but it can also act as a hindrance if approached carelessly or incorrectly. It is also evident that personal spiritual awareness is at the very heart of any spiritual practice, and all practices, including intimacy, should lead to one’s health, well-being, and further ascension into higher vibrational frequencies. Any practices that don’t align with such goals should be abandoned as being counterproductive and potentially harmful.

Please review your daily routines and introspect how intimacy fits into your lives, bring awareness and acknowledgement into your mindspace, and recognize your own boundaries and the boundaries of others. Think of intimacy as the golden path of ascension, filled with magic and divinity, not a way to satisfy your daily urges and desires, and feel free to abstain from it when lacking needed realizations or equally worthy partners. Use it as the divine right and a magical tool to better ourselves, not a way to indulge in physical fluid transfers.

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