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When You Do Things, Things Happen!

  • Writer's pictureJames Kunley

A Thousand Suns Meets A Thousand Winds

Look for a place where a Thousand Suns

Meets a Thousand Winds,

Where coastal fog,

As thick as Mother’s Milk,

Blankets razor-sharp claws

Of the beasts from the Underworld.

They lie here dormant,

Breathing steadily with the tides,

Waiting patiently to have their turn

At the next wave of the Soul Harvest.

Only in the glow of the full moon

Can you see the full splendor

Of their scorched faces,

Frozen in stone by the timekeepers.


Beyond the giggles of unsuspecting tourists

And the roar of breaking ocean waves,

There is a world of dragons and giants

Sleeping beneath the unforgiving sands of passing time.

Stone is their legacy now,

As rugged guardians,

Piercing landscapes of sandy beaches,

Looking far into the ocean horizon

As if to witness their last sunset.

A reminder for those who walk in the footsteps of their forefathers,

Our bones are buried deep beneath the shifting tides.

We all come here to learn the Truth,

Cycle after cycle we manifest in different shapes and forms,

Only to have the meaning of it all

Be gently whispered by the morning wind.

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