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When You Do Things, Things Happen!

  • Writer's pictureJames Kunley

Why I like Hot Springs

Natural hot springs can be a source of joy and relaxation, especially when combined with convenient accommodations, loaded with powerful healing properties, both physical and ethereal. There is something very reminiscent and connecting about being naked in steaming volcanic waters in the middle of the forest, next to a roaring river, breathing fresh and cold mountain air. In our mentally complex and technology driven society, these basic experiences of earthy pleasures can transport one in time back to the origins of our civilization, when things were simpler, more connected and grounded.

For me, hot springs have a very soul healing and deeply reenergizing effect, as my body almost trembles with silent excitement to soak in the healing waters, to relax the mind and let the heat filled with minerals be absorbed into the core of my being. It is amazing how deeply profound these affects are, as I observe my neurotic tendencies melting away into the steaming waters, leaving my body tender and relaxed, every muscle uncoiled, my energies fuzzing with the nourishing liquid, leaving my mind wondering where my body ends and the water begins. Like a child in a mother's soft and warm embrace, I float in the divine healing liquids remembering the days when life was more connected and nature bound, when people lived in tribes, ate simple foods, wore simple clothing, rejoiced and meditated like innocent children in the divine garden. Deep down I still remember and miss that feeling, something that was lost some time ago, our innocence exchanged for guilty pleasures, pulling our soul into darkness, giving us responsibility for what lies ahead.

As people open up their energies here, many are eager to discuss their soul epiphanies, as their inner seeker comes out to ask questions, and share life journey experiences with others. We are tribal creatures at heart, we all need communication and recognition, not just on a superficial level, but a deep grounding connection with others, where the soul has no more queries, it knows the truth of the moment and everything becomes self evident. As I observe discussions between others and myself, it is a joy to see how many are receptive to acknowledging deeper meaning of their lives, accepting constructive feedback, reflecting on their accepted ways, and asking deeper questions without fear of being vulnerable. As we sit there naked, with boundaries of lust no longer in the way, everyone is open to give and receive, there are no secrets, our bodies are wet and beautiful. There are often children present, playing in the waters, reminding everyone that we were also children once, joyful and innocent, with simple minds and open hearts, laughing and playing as if the world never stopped loving us.

As the heat starts to overtake the senses, I head for the cold plunge, which is usually right nearby. A few moments of the icy cold water revives the feeling of excitement, leaves the skin buzzing with new life as blood rushes to respond, making the mind almost dizzy with the uplifting energy. I usually take a few moments to absorb it all, staying present in the rush, breathing deeply and letting oxygen to refuel my soul, casting aside any sadness that might have crept in there over the years. It is a deep yet joyful feeling of letting go and being reborn once again, with new life and awareness of the present moment.

The minerals hidden within the earthy liquids are generously absorbed through the skin as the soaking continues. The body's ecosystem is once again replenished with the tiny crystals of various forms and qualities, stored deeply within the cells for future use, activating light codes within the DNA as the body adapts to this new information. The feeling of awe and deep relaxation slowly propagates throughout the system, as the minerals are distributed by the bloodstream like some sort of a mystic healing power being unleashed.

The magic is indescribable. Sounds of nature get more vivid as the mind quiets down, the inner eye gently opens as if wanting to participate in the party. Hands and feet, previously cold from the nippy air, are now melting into the persistent feeling of warmth, dissolving away all doubts and leaving one on the edge breathing with pleasure. Epiphanies and realizations slowly fill in the void, as if rushing in to assist in the daily struggle, making difficult problems seem small and obsolete. Quietly floating there, feeling larger than life, rejoicing in the present moment, I often wonder if suffering is at all real, or perhaps a cruel illusion, created by an evil spirit that lives amongst us. For how could these feelings of joy be followed by such deep sadness, how could others be so entrenched within the mud of their daily worries and concerns, refusing to help themselves as if drowning without a raft in sight.

It is these thoughts and feelings that often overflow my senses, as I look back at the world with deep sadness and concern. For how could one help others realize that they are their own saviors, that nothing will ever change in their lives unless they put a conscious effort to it. There were many masters and gurus throughout history, with many stories left behind of unyielding courage, heart opening devotion, and unfabricated authenticity. Glorious were their days, for they were the few that understood how precious their time was, and made every effort to transmute their shady selves into the golden light of the divine presence. The cycle never ends as countless are born and die again, only to live for a short time, grasping for air, mindless and clueless about their purpose and direction. My only wish is for these wondering beings to encounter the sacred teachings and take them close to heart, revealing lifetimes of needless worries and guiding their spirits into the state of eternal peace.

Needless to say there is an end to everything, and my wondrous trip once again is over. I leave transmuted and enriched, glowing with new views and timely inspirations, better equipped for the times ahead to be more soothing, generous, and gentle with whatever the world sneaks my way. The offerings were made, right people greeted, right thoughts acknowledged and recorded, I leave with no regrets. My time was used quite well.

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