James Kunley
Jun 12, 20212 min read
Hurricane Ridge - Sutra on Fears & Doubts
We all have doubts at some point in our lives and that’s okay. Doubts are a natural part of development and provide plenty of food for...

James Kunley
May 31, 20212 min read
Mount Storm King - Sutra On Never Giving Up
If there is one thing I've learned over the years walking the path of ascension, it is to never give up.

James Kunley
Jan 11, 20214 min read
Magical Trip to Sedona AZ
Our trip to Sedona manifested effortlessly as if we already knew that this is what we needed to do at the beginning of 2021. We both...

James Kunley
Feb 29, 20203 min read
Why I like Inca Trilogy
When I hear a mention about the Inca culture, it often comes in the context of being old and obsolete, and even though our society is...

James Kunley
Feb 27, 20205 min read
Transcending Genders
The topic of gender has been the source of much deliberation as many struggle with their expressions that often don't fit within societal...

James Kunley
Feb 27, 20204 min read
Why I like Hot Springs
Natural hot springs can be a source of joy and relaxation, especially when combined with convenient accommodations, loaded with powerful...

James Kunley
Feb 23, 20205 min read
Thoughts on Intimacy
Intimacy is a very broad and popular topic that can hardly be covered within a few pages, as it touches upon the core of our very...

James Kunley
Feb 20, 20206 min read
Why I like Buddhism
Buddhism has been around for quite some time, its origin mainly attributed to the great Gautama Buddha, who reached enlightenment under a...

James Kunley
Feb 19, 20202 min read
Why I only drink spring water
When it comes to water, we greatly underestimate the powerful influence it has on our physical and ethereal bodies. Our most common water...