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When You Do Things, Things Happen!

  • Writer's pictureJames Kunley

Surfing the clouds in Kula Hawaii

Sweet living up in the clouds of Maui Hawaii

Living in Kula presented a unique opportunity to connect with the celestial realm of the Hawaiian Islands, and participate first hand in the transformation of the energies surging through the clouds. The views were magnificent and they only got better during sunsets, illuminating the island with magical solar hues. The abundance of rich and colorful rainbows enhanced the spiritual experience, erasing prior negative imprints with their simple perfection.

I spent most nights sleeping in a hammock outside, overlooking the beauty of the island basking in the moonlight. On especially calm and clear nights the stars would play games in the dark night sky, inviting me to participate in their glamor. This was the time when I felt a deep connection with the Pleiades constellation, allowing the energy to communicate softly with my excited imagination.

The abundance of fruit trees happily growing in that area stirred many primordial feelings inside of me, waking up memories of long ago when beings lived in harmony with nature. Mangos, oranges, papayas, and bananas were all too common, with occasional pomegranates and avocadoes. These new energies were overwhelming, and I rapidly started waking up to the reality of the present moment.

I often overheard conversations about Atlantis and Lemuria, having no idea at the time about what these ancient civilizations represented. It all seemed like a distant dream, conflicting with the narrative being imposed on us since childhood. I wanted to know more, I wanted to make sense of it all, I wanted to understand why my feelings don't align with the reality around me. This was the time when I also learned about the Annunaki, and the stories of creation started crowding my hungry imagination.

I deeply realized that there were no more ancient paradises left to explore, humans were everywhere doing the things that humans do. I no longer desired to seek sanctuary in a distant land but to be present in this realm to all the things that it has to offer. My spiritual escape from reality has ended, I needed to turn around and face the reasons for my existence here. My mind was still young and my heart vulnerable, but a deep knowingness was gently protecting the germinating seeds of knowledge.

To be continued..

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