In a world of endless points of view, it is not uncommon for a spiritual person to attribute this to a dualistic quality of existence and lose the desire to have a personal opinion. Even though having no opinion is a valid way of being, eventually it produces a state of mind filled with apathy and a lack of desire to change things for the better. It is possible to abide in such a state for a long time, losing oneself entirely to emptiness and eventually indifference.
In my opinion, that is not the end of the path for a spiritual warrior. It creates a ‘way out’ that reduces the struggle for survival, which certainly could be seen as a spiritual benefit. However, the downside of this approach might be an eventual lack of spiritual fire, which is so important to drive one’s realizations forward.
It is the disagreements with the world that define our unique points of view, especially valuable when properly expressed by a practicing individual. The intention of sharing is also a skill to be mastered, wishing for a beneficial outcome from the results of this action. A few things to remember here.
One should avoid arguments that are not rooted in basic common sense. Engaging in senseless discussions could present problems that are even worse than the original disagreement. One should accept disagreements as a natural result and personal feedback for self-improvement. One should be dis-attached from the outcome and focus solely on improving one’s own understanding of the world and its functions. Training in such a way will produce an outcome of deep wisdom for oneself and limitless benefits for others.
This does not mean that any opinion should be expressed regardless of the environment or the context. One should learn how to express oneself properly and respectfully, wishing for freedom of thought that brings about benefit to countless beings. One should respectfully acknowledge others when they provide a meaningful contribution to your development, thus making your experience humble and self-adjusting.
Most importantly, do not be afraid to share your opinion with others, even if that means allowing for the possibility of being wrong in some ways within your thinking. Self-development is better when you invite others to participate in your growth process, happily attributing to them the benefits created by this communication.
Such a fearless and self-grounded approach to attracting spiritual wisdom is a powerful method for gaining deep realizations that last for many lifetimes. The road for self-improvement is long, and any methods that improve your chances of speeding up the process of self-awareness should be practiced with gratitude and passion by any respectable spiritual practitioner.