A recent invitation for a Mountain Hug was too good to pass by. It was a perfect October afternoon with gentle sunshine and clear skies. I was in between jobs, with an opportunity to skip my daily chores and enjoy another adventure to the Pure Lands.
I had an auspicious dream the night before with a Black Puma sitting upon a rock, and looking right at me. Surrounded by raging lionesses, she was immovable and untouchable. That same morning I reserved my camping spot at the cougar rock campgrounds.
When Life invites you for an opportunity, pay attention.
If you truly want something, always ask yourself - "How can I make this happen?"
Sometimes one 'Yes' is better than a thousand 'Nos'.
Long-term success requires many small failures along the way.
Try to learn something from every experience and situation.
Invite meaning into your life.
When you start taking yourself a bit too seriously, go climb a mountain.