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When You Do Things, Things Happen!

  • Writer's pictureJames Kunley

Trip to Turkey - When my shaman spirit came through

How I traveled to Antalya Turkey to witness a full solar eclipse.

This story took place when I was visiting mountains near Antalya Turkey during the time of a full solar eclipse. I was heading to a trance party deep in the Turkish mountains, excited about another opportunity to witness the magical alignments of the space disks all so familiar to us.

The luxury beaches of Antalya were a sight to enjoy, but what interested me the most were the surrounding mountains, which breathed with mystery and ancient secrets. I spent a few days enjoying the sunshine and the warmth of the Mediterranean Sea before heading into the mountain countryside where the trance party was being set up. I got to walking distance from the venue in a small van filled with fellow trancers, none of whom I knew prior. This was a solo trip, as I was hoping to finish an old chapter of my life with a new beginning.

One of the first things I noticed were a few local women, sitting up on the rocks on the hill next to the country road. They were mostly dressed in black, as it is custom for Muslim women. Something about their energy that caught my interest, my curiosity took over and I slightly approached them to see what they were doing. To my great interest and amazement, they were baking flat bread using a large flat rock being heated in the afternoon sunshine, with a cooked stack of it resting nearby. Something about this scene touched deeply within my memories, and reflected back a lifestyle so simple yet connected and divine. The smell of a fresh baked bread mixed with herbs and oils filled the air, and I immediately felt a deep hunger for old ways of living, as if passing time never touched this part of the world with its sharp claws of technological progress.

I stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the alluring smells of herbs and garlic, thinking about the times of the story of Jeshua and how simple and authentic some things were back then. Images of Mary Magdalene started flooding my mind and I felt a strong presence of the divine feminine, as if being immersed into a different culture full of ancient secrets and untold stories, twists of fate and hidden intentions spanning through generations of persecution and ignorance. As if the mountains had a story to tell, reflections of the past still preserved within the rocks that witnessed what really happened in those days.

My walk to the venue was filled with deep thoughts of human existence, following a narrow path along the river surrounded by grotesque scenery of the mountains. Nature felt alive here, the earth was breathing with moisture and warmth, inviting a weary traveler further into its loving embrace. The venue was within a pocket of green lush, next to the river bending around the nearby hill. There were two main stages, and a separate space for chill-out music on the far side of the field. The atmosphere seemed pleasant and familiar, as fellow trancers were getting ready for another big event. I proceeded to setup my tent within the camping area, and spent most of the late afternoon enjoying the environment and meeting others, talking about our travels and expectations for the music lineup.

The music started that same evening, and the loud booming noise instantaneously filled the virgin space of the time-forgotten canyon. This was supposed to be a happy moment for me, but I didn’t feel the splendor. Something was amiss, the loudness and giddiness of the vibrations was overpowering my newly developed gentle connection with the surroundings, making me feel annoyed and uncomfortable. This was unusual for me, and I spent the rest of the evening trying to integrate these two conflicting emotions, looking for a place within where I could comfortably acknowledge my evolving perception.

The next day things took an interesting turn as I headed for an isolated space along the river banks. I longed for silence, the environment was speaking to me in a language that most humans don’t understand, but I listened. It was calling for me, inviting me further into its cradle, lulling me with the gentle sound of the river, soft whispers of the wind and a deeply satisfying morning sunshine. Losing all track of time, I followed, allowing the river to guide me into a place where nature can reveal her deeper secrets to me. I eventually settled on a small but cozy, remote and secluded beach, quickly losing all of my clothes and finally feeling the water, fully immersing into its refreshing coolness and allowing this experience to permeate my light body, slowly filling it with deep density of the consciousness enclosed within its crystalline structure. Staying in the water until my teeth slowly started to chatter from lower temperatures, I crawled back to the sandy shore and relaxed in the warmth of sunshine, partially covering myself with a sarong decorated with ancient Celtic knots.

A deeply satisfying and content feeling came over me, as if these mountains were my home once, and I am back into their loving presence and embrace. Relaxing my mind into the sound of the river, I eased into a deep trance which lasted for a good while, until the sun lost its pleasant giggling touch and now beamed with full Mediterranean glory and persistence. I quickly gathered my humble belongings and retreated into a shady area next to the mountain, where I found an old cave partially hidden behind some overgrown vegetation. This was a welcome sanctuary from the afternoon heat and I spent a few hours relaxing and meditating within its coolness.

The sky was clear most of the time, but I started noticing a dark cloud forming right behind the nearby mountain across the river. It was just sitting there, motionless, mainly untouched by the mild afternoon winds, slowly getting denser and more profound. By that time I felt a deep connection with the surroundings and the cloud in front of me, as if being present and aware within a dense ether of the all-permeating consciousness.

It was time for me to return back to the party, I was tired and hungry, my body needed nourishment and my soul was ready for some good psychedelic music. I got up and started making my way back to the campsite, following a winding shady path along the river. After a few minutes an uneasy feeling came over me, as if I was being followed. I stopped and looked around, trying to hear any unusual sounds or anything else that might be out of the ordinary. There was nothing but the gurgling sound of the river making its way through the canyon. I accidentally looked up and finally saw it, that same dark cloud moving right behind me, as if attached by an invisible thread to my energy. I almost felt as if that cloud was a part of me in some way, simply moving with me as it should. I accepted this new development with joy, recognizing this to be a sign of my new downloads. This made me even happier, my mind was filled with images of connection and bliss, as I kept making my way back to human civilization.

My soul was centered in a state of peace as I entered the party scene. I hardly had any clothes on me, wearing flip-flops and a sarong wrapped around my lower body. The rest was in my backpack, along with a few leftover snacks and an almost depleted supply of drinking water. The first place along the trail was the chill-out scene, deeply vibrating with groovy music and buzzing with relaxing trancers. I decided to stop by there for a brief moment, standing up on a hill overlooking the landscape, slowly becoming aware of my conflicting energy. Some people looked up at me, trying to assess and classify my vibrations, giving me strange looks as I slowly became aware of my nakedness. I gazed at the DJ booth, trying to figure out the identity of the artist. DJ looked up at me and I felt another strange vibration, as if his look was making me smaller, more human and vulnerable. I mentally resisted, remembering my recent experiences a few hours ago, and peacefully withdrew myself from the scene.

My vibrations were clearly not matching those of the party, as if clarity and purity of my perception were being met with current reality evolved over thousands of years of complexity of human development. This was a curious feeling that I’ve never experienced before, and I didn’t know exactly how to handle it. I looked up again and noticed the dark cloud, slowly approaching the party scene. My mood quickly changed into being somewhat disturbed and unsure as I kept immersing deeper into the human realm. Trance music was now loudly bouncing against the walls of the canyon, almost forcefully trying to fill my head with spiraling mechanical vortexes. My energy field resisted, and I headed for a nearby hill top that was overlooking the landscape.

It was rocky, I grabbed a stick to help me get to the top, which was especially challenging while wearing flip-flops. There were a few other people up there enjoying the view, but they didn’t bother me. I was now looking at something very strange but real. The dark cloud quickly expanded and covered the whole party scene with an ominous and wrathful presence. I felt the conflicting energies getting stronger, quickly manifesting into rapid and violent wind gusts and pounding rain. I felt so alive and present, observing the small humans running about looking for cover, their limited minds being scattered by the powerful force of mother nature. I released a wild and loud scream from the top of my lungs, as if I was a shaman calling into the storm, invoking the wrath with my intention. At this point the winds reached their maximum speeds and destruction followed, scattering party banners and decorations and eventually leveling one of the music stages.

This storm was so spontaneous and abrupt, that many didn’t even have enough time to run for cover, getting drenched and bewildered by what just happened. The energy of the storm rushed through my body with electric currents, the wetness of the rain didn’t bother me a bit, the winds only increased my confidence and connection with the spirits. At that moment, I was a storm rider, I felt it with every fiber of my being, standing half naked on the hilltop, holding my spirit stick and screaming wild but yet somehow very familiar incantations, releasing conflicting emotions and letting them rip each other apart, observing it all with profound clarity and deeply grounded satisfaction.

The storm subsided after an emotional balance was reached, and I felt as if a huge wave of pure universal love just covered my technically inclined comrades, connecting and grounding the alienated party with elemental forces of nature. I stood my high ground, watching the aftermath of this event slowly unfold with much awe and admiration. I was slowly approached by a young couple who shared the hill with me, expressing their admiration for what they just witnessed. I nodded back and replied with an almost illegible sound, trying to conceal my overly excited senses back into a human form. The wild sounds uttered during the storm were rushing through my head like a potent psychedelic, instantly activating many memories from previous lifetimes, so distant yet intimately familiar. I recognized that old man living within me, the spirit of a shaman, the storm rider, the rainmaker, the healer and the protector. It all made sense and I allowed this experience to permeate throughout my being, savoring the energy and the information invoked by this spontaneous event.

The rest of the party was mostly uneventful. The music was good, and I enjoyed parts of it, dancing with my newly integrated energy and confidence. I felt like a time traveler, emerging through another human body and making it work for me, ruthlessly cutting all chords of attachment to the previous and flawed self image.

The full solar eclipse was much anticipated and most went for the high ground, climbing hills and mountain tops for a better view. When alignment came, I was firmly implanted on a hilltop, surrounded by many others scattered all around the area. We all watched in awe as the discs passed each other perfectly, creating an eerie darkness and a deep profound almost unnatural silence, quietly slicing through an emotionally charged atmosphere with a mathematical perfection of the planetary movement. When it all was over, people hugged and released, laughed and cried, and the air was once again filled with joy and unity of the ever evolving human spirit, enduring the ages of light and darkness.

This was my first encounter with the new me, full of self confidence, purpose, and a growing potential, sealed by the magic of the celestial blessings. To this very day, I deeply cherish these precious defining moments, drawing unlimited and connecting energy from these powerful experiences. Now I find it almost ironic that sometimes we have to travel so far into remote places only to find ourselves there, instantaneously resolving infinite complexities of self realization with a spontaneous and powerful burst of connecting energy and a bit of good luck.

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