An 8 mile roundtrip hike to Lake Angeles in January, most of it in my shorts!
Hiking barely dressed in the cold is my new favorite hobby, and I love the way it feels ~ present, joyful, and aware. Sort of like tapping into an unlimited ancient energy source within, it feels fantastic!
Plus I love seeing the looks on the faces of fellow hikers, praising me for my 'naked ruggedness' lol. I think more people should embrace exposure to cold temperatures, its excellent health benefits can not be overstated.
When things get difficult,
remind yourself why you chose this path
and stay the course.
~~~ Dwell mostly in your strengths,
only entertain potential shortcomings
with intention to improve yourself.
Take care of your body, make it your best friend.
It keeps you in 'the game' and takes you places,
be grateful for that!
Find creative ways to occupy your mind,
don't just let it wander aimlessly.
Learn new & exciting skills,
keep improving!